Monday, October 26, 2009

No Pride in the Bride or Prejudice

*Dream from the eve of March 17th, 2008*

I'm riding on the train into town to do some shopping.  My sister is with me and we bump into one of my friends from uni, Megan.  She is very 'artistically' dressed.  Her hair is dark brown, cut into the same style as mine with long pieces as the front and shorter at the back.  She is wearing bright blue eyeshadow that is the exact same colour as the scarf knotted around her neck.  She looks ridiculously eccentric.  She tells me that she is on her way to get married to someone she has never met before.  We finally arrive and the doors of the train open onto an ice rink.  We have to cross the ice rink to get out and as she skate across the ice, we bump into a friend of Megans, who tries to persuade her to go to a halloween party with her, purposely excluding myself and my sister.  I push her over and she skids all the way to the other side of the rink on her behind (because you can do that in dreams).

Just as we leave the rink, I realise I left my bag on the train.  Megan things this is hilarious and my sister has to lend me the 50c fee to skate across the ice again to get it.  We finally leave the rink and there are millions of people outside.  Megan finds her husband-to-be and they discover that they had been at the same party, two years ago. They get married five minutes later in a tiny Japanese garden in the middle of the city.  The guy is obviously in love with someone else, not even looking at Megan while he's saying his vows but rather a little Asian girl hiding behind a tree in the back of the garden.  Megan just laughs hysterically throughout the entire service.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Casablanca gets put on Schindler's List

*Dream from the eve of March 3rd, 2008*

We are in the middle of the Second World War.  I'm travelling to Australia with my new fiance in first class.  My fiance is Jimmy from Emmerdale and yes, he is a good twenty years older than me.  We arrive in Australia and it is more like Morocco, blazing hot desert heat with wild sand storms and people walking around with Arabian head-gear on.  The streets are filled with punget smells and colourful tents, with turbaned men selling spices and spirits and souls.  We stop at an Asian convenience shop and a dating couple from church are working there.  They see my massive engagement rock and David immediately asks how much it cost, while Nadia starts pointing out cheaper alternatives (a variety of plastic rings from a bubble gum machine).

The next thing, I wake up in a hotel room dressed in a satiny red dress.  Jimmy comes into the room and stands in the bathroom, buttoning his cufflinks.  His woodsy aftershave fills the room with his scent.  There is a knock at the door and the next minute, fifteen Nazis come barging into the room and order us to clear out immediately.  The roof of the room is lifted off and soldier stand on top of the walls, aiming AK-47s at us.  The room starts to quickly fill with sand, covering everything like white snow.  It fills the room fast and I'm soon stuck to the bed, unable to move from the weight of the sand.  Buried in white sand in my new red dress.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Ceiledhs, Circuses and Cravats

*Dream from the eve of September 19, 2009*

I am walking alone through the streets of Dublin.  It's a bitter cold night and the sky is grey and stormy. All around me are warm, inviting pubs and places of merriment but I can't stop.  I have to keep going until I find a church. I come to an alley that is cobblestoned and silent with six wooden doors each with a brass knocker.

The first door opens to reveal a full-blown Ceiledh taking place.  There is a rock group on stage playing Bohemian Rhapsody with bagpipes.  Every person in the room is participating in the dance and it looks like great fun.  Nobody even glances my way while I stand there observing; they are so caught up in the dance.  I desperately want to join in but I don't know the steps.

The second door opens to a massive circus tent filled with thousands of coloured helium balloons.  There are animals of every kind seated in the bleachers and the only human being is the ringleader in the centre, cracking a whip at a tiny monkey running around him in circles clapping tiny brass cymbals.  The smell is absolutely appalling and I can't bear to be in the room a second longer.

The third door opens to a hallway.  It's dark and dingy, with lots of twist and turns and even ladders to climb up and a big, curly slide to slip down.  After hours of walking I come out through the fourth door, back to where I started. 

The fifth room is pure blackness.  No sight or sound exists in here and the match that I light extinguises immediately from a waft of icy breath.  I lock the door behind me after exiting this room. 

The sixth door reveals a church service taking place.  It's warm and inviting and perfectly normal-looking....apart from the fact that all the men are wearing polka dot cravats and the women purple wigs.  Two women approach me to welcome me to the service but explain that in order to enter the room, I must put on the purple wig....

I actually woke up giggling a little to myself after this one ;-)